
SKALE.js | The SKALE Network SDK

Code Coverage Twitter "Buy Me A Coffee"

A community run project designed to offer abstraction over the core SKALE network smart contracts.


# Install Individual Components
npm add @skaleproject/<component-name>

# The umbrella package
npm add @skaleproject/skale.js

Available Packages on NPM

The following are all of the SKALE.js packages available

Package Name NPM Tag
@skaleproject/constants npm (tag)
@skaleproject/skale.js npm (tag)
@skaleproject/config-controller npm (tag)
@skaleproject/etherbase npm (tag)
@skaleproject/context npm (tag)
@skaleproject/marionette npm (tag)
@skaleproject/multisig-wallet npm (tag)
@skaleproject/ima npm (tag)
@skaleproject/pow npm (tag)
@skaleproject/pow-ethers npm (tag)
@skaleproject/pow-web3 npm (tag)


If you are interested in making contributions to this project you should be aware of the following workflows to contribute properly:

Major Releases

Major releases will consist of a broad addition of features, updates, bug fixes, and more.

Feature Releases

Feature releases will be merged into main during initial development. After Version 1, feature releases will be merged into beta.

Hotfix Releases

Hotfix releases should be small in scope and be pushed into production.

Beta Releases

Beta releases will be the next major release and consist of a more cutting edge tool set. They should be used at your own risk.

Development Reasons

These will will be flagged alpha pre-release and be created when PRs are opened. They should only be used for testing purposes locally and not in production.

Security & Liability

SKALE.js and all of its sub-packages and connected packages are WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty for any user commerical or otherwise. The creators and contributors of this package may not be held liable for any damages, losses, issues, or problems caused resulting in the use of this package for any reason.

This package is under heavy development. Use at your own risk.


All contributions are made under the MIT License (including all sub projects). See License